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Reiki, Energy & Theta Healing

Photo of Reiki Usui Master at naturopath Greystanes

Reiki is the movement of energy in the body which precipitates the body’s natural healing processes. When one attends a Reiki session the client usually need do nothing more than sit or lie comfortably. Often they may experience heat in the area where the practitioner places their hands, or even cold. There can be tingling sensations, small aches and pains which dart around the body if the client is tuned in enough, or pressure in an area. The experience may be one where the client feels nothing at all. It makes no difference because the treatment is still working.


Reiki is taught from student to teacher by traditional methods. It is a process by which the practitioner opens themselves up to the movement of healing energy through their body in order to try to help the client. The practitioner simply becomes a channel for the healing energy and does not, as such, do the healing themselves.


Energy is universal and the movement of energy, coupled with proper balancing of the energy centres in the body of the client, precipitates a healing effect. The client usually feels relaxed afterwards, joyful and much more at ease. Often the aches and pains which were there in the beginning are gone, if not immediately, after a few hours.


Sometimes however, after the treatment, a healing crisis can occur. A healing crisis intensifies the symptoms in order to clear them from the body. This is a little like the reaction we get when we have food poisoning and the body tries to expel the poison, one way or another. In a healing crisis the body intensifies the negative feelings or aches and pains until they leave the persons physical, emotional or mental being. This may result in the person not feeling very well for a while but is a good event because, in the long run, the body heals itself. Emotional and mental upsets can also be cleared in this way.

It needs to be stressed that it is our bodies that do the healing. Natural therapies are often just the catalysts to hit the right button in our immunity to get things working again.


Contact us now at our natural health clinic in Greystanes on +61414680713 for a treatment to experience it for yourself. We also offer online services whether you are in Sydney or overseas.


Jenetta is a former Director of Reiki Australia and a current member, practitioner. Reiki Master/teacher. Stressfree Management is a Reiki Certified Clinic by Reiki Australia. Jenetta is also a member of the ICRT. She runs courses in Reiki and energy healing to teach you how to balance your energy and use it for your positive lifestyle. 


Sydney Holistic Health line is Stressfree Management - 

















The ThetaHealing® meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. I discovered Theta Healing in my explorations of different energy practices. It is not easy to explain energy healing to someone. It needs to be experienced. Vianna has used this practiced and taught many as a way to promote major changes in people's lifestyles. You can find more on her website. 















A simple way to describe Theta Healing in comparison to Reiki (not that they are really comparable) is that in Theta Healing the practitioner goes up to source to help create healing in YOU. In Reiki the healing comes through the practitioner who grounds the reiki and assists in it being transmitted to you. In Theta Healing the healing is sent to you from source. Different types of energy healing are used for different people and for different ailments. Your practitioner is trained to decide which one is best for you.


Jenetta is a trained Theta Healer as well as Reiki Practitioner/Teacher/ Master. She also specialises in Crystal Healing, Feng Shui and many types of other energy healing. All of this is combined to help you reach your best version of yourself, healed and reaching your goals and dreams.


Jenetta has certificates in Basic DNA Theta Healing, Advanced DNA, Building Intuition Young Adults and Dig Deeper which is a method of assisting you to find and eradicate the root causes holding you back from fulfillment in your life. View Jenetta's Certification here.


Give us a call today to book a natural healing session and start living the life of your dreams!

Reiki Australia practitioner/master/ teacher
Reiki membership association Reiki practitioner/master/teacher
Vianna Stibal Theta Healing at naturopath Sydney clinic
Theta healing practitioner at natural health clinic Greystanes
Logos of Various professional organizations associated with.
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